Status of MOT/PAD Decoder

MOT/PAD Decoder started: Mon Aug 15 13:42:09 2022 , 16.18:59 up, restarts: 5.

Statistics since last restart (Thu Sep 1 08:38:30 2022 ):

Subchannel 1 (PAD/MOT) "Tukker FM ":

PAD bytes: (21.95k) (22479 bytes)
Dynamic Label bytes: (50 bytes)
Dynamic Labels: 2
Dynamic Labels (unique): 1
Dynamic Label crc errors: 59
Dynamic Label other errors: 0
Dynamic Label Plus commands: 0
Dynamic Label Plus tags: 0
Dynamic Label Plus errors: 0
MOT segments: 33
MOT crc errors: 29 (87.88%)
MOT other errors: 31 (93.94%)
MOT files OK (unique): 0 (0.00%)
MOT files not OK: 0 (0.00%)
MOT files with repeated transport ID: 0 (0.00%)
MOT invalid file names: 0
MOT bytes: (0 bytes)
MOT effective data rate: 0 Bytes/s

Subchannel 2 (PAD/MOT) "Radio Gelderland":

PAD bytes: (21.46k) (21973 bytes)
Dynamic Label bytes: (0 bytes)
Dynamic Labels: 0
Dynamic Labels (unique): 0
Dynamic Label crc errors: 57
Dynamic Label other errors: 0
Dynamic Label Plus commands: 0
Dynamic Label Plus tags: 0
Dynamic Label Plus errors: 0
MOT segments: 43
MOT crc errors: 23 (53.49%)
MOT other errors: 41 (95.35%)
MOT files OK (unique): 0 (0.00%)
MOT files not OK: 0 (0.00%)
MOT files with repeated transport ID: 0 (0.00%)
MOT invalid file names: 0
MOT bytes: (0 bytes)
MOT effective data rate: 0 Bytes/s

Subchannel 10 (PAD/MOT) "RADIONL Apeldrn ":

PAD bytes: (17.74k) (18163 bytes)
Dynamic Label bytes: (21 bytes)
Dynamic Labels: 1
Dynamic Labels (unique): 1
Dynamic Label crc errors: 45
Dynamic Label other errors: 0
Dynamic Label Plus commands: 0
Dynamic Label Plus tags: 0
Dynamic Label Plus errors: 0
MOT segments: 36
MOT crc errors: 35 (97.22%)
MOT other errors: 31 (86.11%)
MOT files OK (unique): 0 (0.00%)
MOT files not OK: 0 (0.00%)
MOT files with repeated transport ID: 0 (0.00%)
MOT invalid file names: 0
MOT bytes: (0 bytes)
MOT effective data rate: 0 Bytes/s

Subchannel 11 (PAD/MOT) "Radio M Utrecht ":

PAD bytes: (12.33k) (12630 bytes)
Dynamic Label bytes: (0 bytes)
Dynamic Labels: 0
Dynamic Labels (unique): 0
Dynamic Label crc errors: 69
Dynamic Label other errors: 1
Dynamic Label Plus commands: 0
Dynamic Label Plus tags: 0
Dynamic Label Plus errors: 0
MOT segments: 17
MOT crc errors: 26 (152.94%)
MOT other errors: 15 (88.24%)
MOT files OK (unique): 0 (0.00%)
MOT files not OK: 0 (0.00%)
MOT files with repeated transport ID: 0 (0.00%)
MOT invalid file names: 0
MOT bytes: (0 bytes)
MOT effective data rate: 0 Bytes/s

Subchannel 14 (PAD/MOT) "RADIONL4 Utrecht":

PAD bytes: (18.83k) (19281 bytes)
Dynamic Label bytes: (21 bytes)
Dynamic Labels: 1
Dynamic Labels (unique): 1
Dynamic Label crc errors: 41
Dynamic Label other errors: 0
Dynamic Label Plus commands: 0
Dynamic Label Plus tags: 0
Dynamic Label Plus errors: 0
MOT segments: 33
MOT crc errors: 31 (93.94%)
MOT other errors: 29 (87.88%)
MOT files OK (unique): 0 (0.00%)
MOT files not OK: 0 (0.00%)
MOT files with repeated transport ID: 0 (0.00%)
MOT invalid file names: 0
MOT bytes: (0 bytes)
MOT effective data rate: 0 Bytes/s

Subchannel 19 (PAD/MOT) "Tukker3 Achtrhk ":

PAD bytes: (20.21k) (20700 bytes)
Dynamic Label bytes: (0 bytes)
Dynamic Labels: 0
Dynamic Labels (unique): 0
Dynamic Label crc errors: 68
Dynamic Label other errors: 0
Dynamic Label Plus commands: 0
Dynamic Label Plus tags: 0
Dynamic Label Plus errors: 0
MOT segments: 46
MOT crc errors: 35 (76.09%)
MOT other errors: 44 (95.65%)
MOT files OK (unique): 0 (0.00%)
MOT files not OK: 0 (0.00%)
MOT files with repeated transport ID: 0 (0.00%)
MOT invalid file names: 0
MOT bytes: (0 bytes)
MOT effective data rate: 0 Bytes/s

Subchannel 20 (PAD/MOT) "Tukker2 Arnhem ":

PAD bytes: (17.40k) (17818 bytes)
Dynamic Label bytes: (0 bytes)
Dynamic Labels: 0
Dynamic Labels (unique): 0
Dynamic Label crc errors: 51
Dynamic Label other errors: 0
Dynamic Label Plus commands: 0
Dynamic Label Plus tags: 0
Dynamic Label Plus errors: 0
MOT segments: 34
MOT crc errors: 29 (85.29%)
MOT other errors: 31 (91.18%)
MOT files OK (unique): 0 (0.00%)
MOT files not OK: 0 (0.00%)
MOT files with repeated transport ID: 0 (0.00%)
MOT invalid file names: 0
MOT bytes: (0 bytes)
MOT effective data rate: 0 Bytes/s

MOT/PAD Decoder 2.41F, (c) Georg Acher/BayCom GmbH