Status of MOT/PAD Decoder

MOT/PAD Decoder started: Tue May 30 19:06:08 2023 , 06:39 up, restarts: 248.

Statistics since last restart (Wed May 31 01:44:58 2023 ):

Subchannel 7 (Packet/MOT):

packets: 0
packets with RS-FEC: 0
packet crc errors: 0
packet wrong length: 0
packet unknown service: 0 (0.00%)
Most used packet addresses:
packet bytes: (0 bytes)

Subchannel 46 (Packet/MOT):

packets: 0
packets with RS-FEC: 0
packet crc errors: 0
packet wrong length: 0
packet unknown service: 0 (0.00%)
Most used packet addresses:
packet bytes: (0 bytes)

Subchannel 50 (Packet/MOT):

packets: 0
packets with RS-FEC: 0
packet crc errors: 0
packet wrong length: 0
packet unknown service: 0 (0.00%)
Most used packet addresses:
packet bytes: (0 bytes)

Subchannel 56 (Packet/MOT):

packets: 0
packets with RS-FEC: 0
packet crc errors: 0
packet wrong length: 0
packet unknown service: 0 (0.00%)
Most used packet addresses:
packet bytes: (0 bytes)

MOT/PAD Decoder 2.41F, (c) Georg Acher/BayCom GmbH